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·       Skin Care for Face and Body
·       Healing Body Work/Sports Massage for athletes
·       Restorative Yoga
·       Assisted Stretching
·       Meditation & Breath Work
·       Meal Planning/Kitchen Cupboard Cleanout
·       Supplement/Nutritional Guidance

You will feel at ease, peaceful and comfortable as you work together with Rob moving toward homeostasis of mind, body & spirit. Stress, age, environment and "life" deplete the body of essential nutrients and the energy that we need to live a healthy, balanced and joyful life. The body is designed to heal itself and will do so if given proper support. "I have spent most of my life striving for the balance that I am now enjoying. I simply look and feel the healthiest I have of my entire life. I am thriving in balance and abundance and I would like to share my gift of tools and teachers with others.”

Rob uses his personal healing as source of inspiration to help his clients achieve health, beauty and balance in their own lives.

Lifestyle Mentor

Products or treatments recommended in these pages are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition.
The information contained herein is intended to inform, not provide medical advice of any nature.
Consult a qualified health professional before starting any exercise program and for drug/nutrient/supplement interactions.

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